Oh man, what a weekend!

So, wow! What a weekend. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that Auburn, Texas and Louisville would all get hit this weekend?! USC, also showed its true form runing over the ranked Ducks. With a number 3 BCS ranking and Florida playing 2 shit teams to close out the year - Western Carolina - I thought there was only north and south! and Florida State -which just got shut out by WAKE FORREST!
My concern now lies with Rudgers - who would have thought that! This cindarella team has captured the hearts and minds of New York and I am worried that if they beat WVa, they are going to be put in the title game. Most Pundits seem rational about it now tho and say they should be happy with their BCS birth...we'll see in a few weeks.
The other outside chance between USC's straight shot at the BCS title game is if the Ohio - Michigan game is so close and the pollsters want a rematch. I think this is highly unlikely - especially with a strong USC waiting in the wings.
Oh, I guess USC could lose one of hteir last 3 games....but I don't see it, I just don't!
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